Nomination Committee
The nomination committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting shall consist of members appointed by the three largest shareholders in terms of votes or known shareholder groupings in the company. If any of the three largest shareholders or known shareholder groupings waive their right to appoint a member to the nomination committee, the next shareholder or known shareholder grouping in order of size shall be given the opportunity to appoint a member to the nomination committee. The nomination committee’s term of office extends until a new nomination committee is appointed.
The nomination committee shall be constituted based on known share ownership in the company as of September 30.
In the event of ownership changes in the Company that affect the composition of the three largest shareholders or owner groups, the one of the three largest shareholders or owner groups who does not have an owner representative in the nomination committee may contact the chairman of the nomination committee with a request to appoint a member. The chairman of the selection committee must then inform the other members of the request. If the ownership change is not insignificant, the member appointed by a shareholder or group of owners who no longer belongs to the three largest should make his seat available and the new shareholder or group of owners should be allowed to appoint a member. However, the composition of the nomination committee should not change later than two months before the general meeting where board or auditor elections are to take place.
The nominating committee must appoint the chairman of the nominating committee from among themselves. The chairman of the board or another board member may not be chairman of the election committee. The term of office for the appointed election committee runs until a new election committee is appointed.
The nomination committee must safeguard the interests of all of the Company’s shareholders in matters that fall within the scope of the nomination committee’s duties. Without limiting what has been said previously, the election committee must submit proposals for:
a) chairman at a general meeting where board or auditor elections are to take place,
b) number of board members and deputy board members elected by the general meeting,
c) chairman, other general meeting-elected members of the board and any board deputies,
d) fees and other compensation for board assignments to each of the board members elected by the general meeting and to members of the board’s committees,
e) number of auditors and deputy auditors,
f) auditors and any deputy auditors,
g) fees to auditors, and
h) decision on principles for appointing members of the nomination committee and instructions for the nomination committee’s work, where applicable.
Nomination committee before the AGM 2025
Ahead of Fragbite Group’s Annual General Meeting, which is to be held on May 23, 2025, the nomination committee consists of the following members:
– Michael Lundgren, appointed by Mikael A. Pettersson / Dita Invest Holding AB
– Niclas Bergkvist, appointed by Santhe Dahl
– Dawid Myslinski, appointed by Moongolde Ltd.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee can do so via e-mail to or by mail to the address: Fragbite Group AB, Valberedning, Linnégatan 51, 114 58 Stockholm