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Christian Batist new CEO of Lucky Kat

11 January, 2024 at 01:00

Christian Batist will in the course of January 2024 take over as CEO of Lucky Kat, wholly owned subsidiary of Fragbite Group AB (publ) (“Fragbite Group”). Herdjie Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Lucky Kat, has decided to transfer to a role as Senior Advisor, focusing solely on web3 monetising and the upcoming $KOBAN launch.

During January 2024, Christian Batist will be taking over as CEO for Lucky Kat. Christian is a seasoned leader with more than 20 years’ experience in the gaming industry on an international level. He has expertise in building and supporting successful teams as well as growing audiences, monetising and publishing for major game IPs. Having previously worked for companies such as WildWorks, Sulake, Kuuhubb and Glu Mobile, Christian joins Lucky Kat from his most recent position at Paladin Studios.

Herdjie Zhou, CEO and co-founder of Lucky Kat, has chosen to remain in Fragbite Group as Senior Advisor. He will continue to develop the monetising strategies of the Group’s web3 business. Initially, his focus will be on supporting the new CEO during a transition period and working on the upcoming public launch and sale of the $KOBAN token.

Marcus Teilman, President & CEO of Fragbite Group, comments:

As Lucky Kat continues to trailblaze at the forefront of web3 gaming, we are lucky to not only welcome a new, highly experienced CEO in Christian Batist, but also have Herdjie Zhou transition to a new position. Christian has the knowledge and capacity to take Lucky Kat to the next level, meanwhile maintaining a culture of passion for the gaming experience which we all share in Fragbite Group. Herdjie will continue to play a key role in the building of Fragbite Group’s web3 ecosystem, with special focus on the $KOBAN token. I am very pleased to see this new team form and look forward to collaborating in growing the business further.”

Herdjie Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Lucky Kat, comments:

“Lucky Kat has grown exponentially, and I am extremely proud of the games and web3 community which we have created together as a close-knit team. My partner Hernan and I founded Lucky Kat eight years ago, it is time for us to hand over the reins and I am excited that Christian Batist will take over the role as CEO. With his vast experience in the gaming industry, I am confident that Lucky Kat will continue to thrive under his leadership. I am also looking forward to remaining engaged in Fragbite Group as a Senior Advisor, focusing on the monetisation side of web3 gaming.”

Christian Batist comments:

I am honoured for this opportunity to lead Lucky Kat, and it is an exciting new step in my career to move into web3 gaming. I have had the privilege of working with great teams, games and gamers in many countries over the course of 20+ years, and for me a common thread has always been focus on the game experience – how to design it, how to improve it, how to monetise it. I believe that blockchain technology is the solution to how the industry meets its players on a level playing field; rewarding their creativity and providing an in-game economy that is not only secure for all, but also a core part of the monetisation for developers, publishers and platform owners. I look forward to being part of this exceptional team and the Fragbite Group family.”

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